

I am currently a Junior at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. I have taken many challenging courses in computer science, including Programming Languages and Techniques I-III, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Introduction to Computer Systems, and Scalable and Cloud Computing.
Currently, I am in Programming Techniques III, CIS 121, which discusses data structures and algorithms, including BSTs, heaps, balanced search trees, tries, Huffman coding, and HashTables.
Another class I was in, Scalable and Cloud Computing, NETS 212, is about programming in the "cloud," and how we can scale projects up and down to accomodate large numbers of users. The final project for this class was to make a mini facebook platform, and among fifty teams, my team was the winner. I designed all of the database code as well as some frontend code, and most of the integration between the two.
I plan on graduating after four years with a Bachelors of Science and Engineering, with a major in computer science, and minors in math and data science. I am also considering submatriculating and getting my masters in computer science.
Last semester I took CIS 419 Applied Machine Learning, CIS 545 Big Data Analytics, and CIS 262 Computation, Complexity and Automata. I also took CIS 513 Computational Linear Algebra, which has programming assignments in Matlab, and Silicon Garage, which teaches how to program an Arduino.